
Flashback removal tool for mac
Flashback removal tool for mac

flashback removal tool for mac

If you don't use Java - and not many people do nowadays, which is why Apple doesn't include it with OS X 10.7 'Lion' – then I recommend uninstalling it completely so you get rid of a serious source of vulnerabilities. The free removal tool takes the trouble or fear out of using the command line by providing a simple point-and-click utility. If you’d rather go for a paid-for solution then I suggest that you take a look at Intego’s VirusBarrier X6 or Internet Security Barrier X6.įinally, I recommend disabling Java in your Mac's web browser.


Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition and ClamXav 2 are both excellent products and won’t set you back a dime. Next, I recommend that you download and install antivirus software. Depending on how long it has been since you last downloaded updates, this may take some time. You now need to patch your system - immediately! The easiest way to do this is to fire up Software Update and bring in all the updates your system needs.

flashback removal tool for mac

Failure to follow all the steps carefully will result in incomplete removal of the malware. I'd suggest that you carefully read these instructions before attempting to follow them, and it might be a good idea to print them out so you can cross out each step as you do it. The best, most comprehensive removal guide I've seen has been created by Finnish security firm F-Secure. At present, there's no automatic removal tool for Flashback so you're going to have to do the job manually. If your system is infected, then you've got your work cut out for you.

Flashback removal tool for mac